I probably spent the first 45 years of my life wishing to be THAT person, who could help other people.
This morning as I witness a campaign we have put together, I cried once again as I viewed the video that revealed not only my victimization of Abuse, but also the concept that so many could and do turn a blind eye to the Hidden Abuses.
Most of us will stand up and at the very least call the Police if we witness Physical Abuse happening.
Who stands and says.."hey, that was wrong!" when a woman hides the hidden abuses within her life????
GTOC. That is who!!
And we do it everyday. Not simply for women, or men, but also for children, for pets, for our elderly.......for anyone, anything, anytime...WhY????
Because it is the RIGHT thing to do.!!!!! There is no better reasoning.
This is consistent for the past 9 years. At first I was afraid to say anything. I mean, I was THAT victim too. Then one day I did stand, and what came out of my mouth was incoherent jibberish. It was my Voice screaming for help, any help. At first I got the wrong help. Pretend Help. The help that Victimized me more.
Yet, as much as I was pulled down, I screamed louder....I now had a Voice, until I found other women like me. Who were screaming and no one heard them!!
So I listened. And I found other people who were listening. AND we became CANDO people via GTOC.
This early morning hour, I sit at my computer awaiting my final pennies to cover an overdraft in my account that I am praying the bank manager will allow for one week. And I sit and view a campaign that so many say "Go Girl!!!! " but do they realize that I am doing this Right Thing at a huge expense???
I learned from very young teen years with a very life experienced ex, to hide things. Most of us do. Some of us, it becomes a part of our everyday lives and changing it is the greatest struggle.
So here is my change, because I hide all struggle so that more people will feel positive in their lives:
1. Help!!
2. I know, no one asked me to create GTOC.
3. I know more of us wish there was a GTOC to help them when....
4. I know, the kids and I will live in worse conditions than the women we help, because with me, they believe....it is our need to help more women. We have each other, and we live on love.
5. It is a simple belief that EVERYONE is capable of helping someone.
6. GTOC believes in helping those that no one knew needed help, or that finally got their Voice ON!!
This campaign, Get Your Voice On Campaign was my effort to not only reach more Women who needed to know someone would hear them!..but also to ask our Communities who are looking for an avenue to help their neighbors, brothers, sisters, mothers, daughters, friends & coworkers.....in some little way. Everyone and I do mean EVERYONE, even me who gives every penny to getting GTOC out there for more women, can give even $1 via this campaign. EVERYONE.
No one asked me to Stand Forward and Scream out MY VOICE....but when I did, other women like me found the strength to scream out THEIR VOICES as well. It is the RIGHT thing to do.
The cost is,....I / THEM we get to heal with strength. I however, burden the cost of helping where the government does not/cannot.
So....On my list of Change, I ask for help. Help me to burden the cost of keeping a home open for our Communities' women that work hard to ensure their daughters do not endure what they have.
Help me to burden the cost of working with our Communities' women who work hard in the belief that they are changing our world for the better, in ways that our government cannot / will not.
Until we show change in our ability to help our own, We as a Community have no right to Stand and Tell our Government to do it for us.
" We're all just walking each other home..." ― Ram Dass
V xo
This morning as I witness a campaign we have put together, I cried once again as I viewed the video that revealed not only my victimization of Abuse, but also the concept that so many could and do turn a blind eye to the Hidden Abuses.
Most of us will stand up and at the very least call the Police if we witness Physical Abuse happening.
Who stands and says.."hey, that was wrong!" when a woman hides the hidden abuses within her life????
GTOC. That is who!!
And we do it everyday. Not simply for women, or men, but also for children, for pets, for our elderly.......for anyone, anything, anytime...WhY????
Because it is the RIGHT thing to do.!!!!! There is no better reasoning.
This is consistent for the past 9 years. At first I was afraid to say anything. I mean, I was THAT victim too. Then one day I did stand, and what came out of my mouth was incoherent jibberish. It was my Voice screaming for help, any help. At first I got the wrong help. Pretend Help. The help that Victimized me more.
Yet, as much as I was pulled down, I screamed louder....I now had a Voice, until I found other women like me. Who were screaming and no one heard them!!
So I listened. And I found other people who were listening. AND we became CANDO people via GTOC.
This early morning hour, I sit at my computer awaiting my final pennies to cover an overdraft in my account that I am praying the bank manager will allow for one week. And I sit and view a campaign that so many say "Go Girl!!!! " but do they realize that I am doing this Right Thing at a huge expense???
I learned from very young teen years with a very life experienced ex, to hide things. Most of us do. Some of us, it becomes a part of our everyday lives and changing it is the greatest struggle.
So here is my change, because I hide all struggle so that more people will feel positive in their lives:
1. Help!!
2. I know, no one asked me to create GTOC.
3. I know more of us wish there was a GTOC to help them when....
4. I know, the kids and I will live in worse conditions than the women we help, because with me, they believe....it is our need to help more women. We have each other, and we live on love.
5. It is a simple belief that EVERYONE is capable of helping someone.
6. GTOC believes in helping those that no one knew needed help, or that finally got their Voice ON!!
This campaign, Get Your Voice On Campaign was my effort to not only reach more Women who needed to know someone would hear them!..but also to ask our Communities who are looking for an avenue to help their neighbors, brothers, sisters, mothers, daughters, friends & coworkers.....in some little way. Everyone and I do mean EVERYONE, even me who gives every penny to getting GTOC out there for more women, can give even $1 via this campaign. EVERYONE.
No one asked me to Stand Forward and Scream out MY VOICE....but when I did, other women like me found the strength to scream out THEIR VOICES as well. It is the RIGHT thing to do.
The cost is,....I / THEM we get to heal with strength. I however, burden the cost of helping where the government does not/cannot.
So....On my list of Change, I ask for help. Help me to burden the cost of keeping a home open for our Communities' women that work hard to ensure their daughters do not endure what they have.
Help me to burden the cost of working with our Communities' women who work hard in the belief that they are changing our world for the better, in ways that our government cannot / will not.
Until we show change in our ability to help our own, We as a Community have no right to Stand and Tell our Government to do it for us.
" We're all just walking each other home..." ― Ram Dass
V xo