February 11th, 2013
A brainstormed idea, "Women Supporting Women will strengthen our Community" A group of women are bringing forward their talents, clothing, hair, makeup, manicures, reflexology....and creating a night of Pampering for GTOC's Aspiring Ladies!! We are so proud to witness them achieve their goals.
When we surround ourselves with Achievers we strengthen our own resolves and confidence in our Communities!!!
The first step was to gather the professional women. It is a short time frame. Not all interested were available. That's okay,,I apologize, I think I am the short notice Queen!! Their support is still evident. Next time we will give them longer notice.
At this moment, we are organizing the clothing so generously donated by Kimberly's Deja Vu Boutique. Fantastical Career clothing in all sizes, and colors!! So deliciously beautiful....we can't wait to put the outfits together for our beautiful GTOC ladies!!
February 5th, 2013
We head into another year of preparing LTH as affordable, supportive housing for women. With little to no funding, as a community we have accomplished so very much in support of GTOC's efforts!
Throughout the summer we worked mostly on clean up and a little recreating of what was already outdoors here. The object is as always, to create a lovely environment for the women staying at here. The water fountain proved to be a restful location to dangle your toes on a hot summer afternoon. The gazebo, a magical candle lit gathering place under the stars.
Come fall, we had the company of the lovely journalist, Gail Paquette. Not only did she create a documentary on the efforts of GTOC, she joined in on our family fun. Another single mom with beautiful children, making a difference in our Community.
We work so hard to achieve the impossible that sometimes we forget to enjoy our greatest achievements, our children. Through Gail's photo's and delight in time spent with us, we rediscovered our own love and enjoyment of our own little family.
It is no simple task, living in a renovation with it's very slow progression. Inviting guests to wear their boots in the house because we are constantly shifting, sanding, painting. It is the passion to do the right thing that keeps myself and the kids patient with the slow results. However, the results are happening and they are beautiful. Hopefully in 2013 we will get some type of funding to speed up the process!!
There are many inspirational moments, to keep the passion to achieve GTOC's goals, moving forward. And sometimes I must return to my hero, my Mom. The woman who taught me to be tough with kindness, to be persistent with love, to always do the right thing....no matter what the consequences.
With Gail photographing much of our private moments as well this fall, we were delighted to share. If we all gave more of ourselves, the positive moments to inspire others to do the same. And we all did this everyday, what a wonderful world this could be!!
The long front walk at LTH. My boys together on their morning trek to school :))
You can't imagine my delight at simply being nominated as a "Remarkable Woman" I don't feel remarkable. I feel fortunate to be afforded the opportunity to be and to do what my heart says is the right thing to do, and humbled by the Community around me who stands in support of all our remarkable women.
With LTH being located here in Belleville, it was time to continue GTOC's public awareness campaign with groups here, like Probus. So not a public speaker, they were generous with their patience and support as I attempted to detail all the efforts our Community is putting forth in support of our women.
As we move forward into 2013, spring looming according to that little "reliable" groundhog, visions of planting more roses in the summer gardens at LTH, one message remains.
No matter what your spiritual beliefs, good is good.
Doing the right thing for your neighbor will always be the good thing.
Our message from GTOC and from all our Communities...
join in...
volunteer your time...
there is no effort too small...
even your smile will positively affect someone....
We all have our responsibility in our International Community to positively affect change,
GTOC is starting here at home in a small way,
Yet it's affects are being recognized around the world...
Be that affect. V xo
March 31st, 2012
The Little Theresa's House clean up crew!!!
a few hardworking pics!!!
The difference this day of hard work made!!
Our quotes: "OMG there is a fence there!!!,
"Really, all of that gone?? OKAY !!!",
"We have weak trees!!"
The front yard at days end.....
From my sunporch, as the sun has poked through the trees, I have watched my neighbors stop and stare....."there is a HOUSE there!!!".....
Great work by, Kimberly MacDonald & Cameron, Amanda Young, Caroline Day, Brenda Nielsen, Veronica Hendrick, Sammantha Lockyer & June Bug.......V
March 28th, 2012
Between jobs, for now, I don't get a lot of time to get at the chores to renovate Little Theresa's House....that will change soon!
However, June Bug in hand we approached the vegetable garden/ scrap & weed pile with intrepidation for only one hour today! The goal is to create a proper parking area and wood pile local. There is no before pic....so use your imagination....!...all that pile spread out over this little patch of land!!
June Bug herself, while great company is still learning "intown manners".....yes she barks and growls at every sing sound & movement!! However she did her part in attempting to dig holes into all the weeds, tree roots and bushes she could find....this did quite tire her out as she retires to her furry chair in the sunroom!!
Come out this Saturday, join the community in the clean up of the front yard and the back yard! All are welcome! Bring your yard tools, (chain saw if you have one), work gloves, cameras, coffee, donuts or sandwiches!!!
It's time to jump in and be a part of the support of Aspiring Women !!
See you Saturday!!!.......V
March 7th, 2012
So here is the deal. GTOC is the first idea I have ever fathomed that I have not questioned. Why?
I have not once second guessed my intent.
I have not once second guessed my belief in women.
My children and I have begun a grand adventure. Step forward. Take the chance of losing everything we have fought so long and hard to maintain....because it would be so much worse NOT to even try!
The evening we legally took possession of the house, I was working. I got home to our house in Rose Hall late, thinking a million things could go wrong between the moment of legal possession and the moment we physically walked through the door of 52 Alexander St. Murphy's Law equals Lockyer Luck!!!
I lay in bed that evening, tossing, turning, fretting, worrying....the normal stuff......about 3am it occurred to me......I have never seen inside the garage!!!! It is a different garage, it sits on the other side of the neighbor's property and it seemed locked with no available key.
I called myself a "dumbass real estate agent" repeatedly, because I would never allow my clients to NOT know every inch of their property. But I had flown on faith......so I told myself....THAT was "dumbass faith"!!!
With the imagination of my Conor I thought....Oh the things this garage could contain!.....dead bodies, toxic chemicals, a rat's nest of horrors!!!!!......I did not sleep much that evening....zombie's haunted me!!!
The next morning we ventured to Alexander St. We the Monster Lockyer's PUMPED for our first real ADVENTURE!!!!
Tentatively we "pulled out" the garage door versus "pulled up" the garage door,....I can be such a freaking dumb ass sometimes (can you tell I think that saying "dumb ass" is kinda funny?....my ass doesn't have many intellectual thoughts at all....does yours???)
Inside was a garage totally and inexplicably.........EMPTY.....save for the shelves and worktables that lined the walls. Conor's first words were "you can park in here Mom"....
It was then we spied the spring hinged attic type stairs....unfolded.......to where?......Conor climbed first.....he is much more adventurous than I....(and very protective of this old broad :))....Gabriel was next...because I climbed under him in case he fell, it would be a slightly softer landing?!?
As I spied the loft....I realized my Monsters had found their LAIR......a simple skylight endowed loft with the promised wiring of electricity!!!! As a babe in heart, I found a place for my teens to play screamo music, dance like maniacs, and discuss how they will change our world....(okay I was NOT discussing ME in the screamo dance like a maniac scenerio) Oh please,....I do the public "whooping crane dance"!!!!....usually.
** the skylights in the Monster Loft!!
** A Camera Always Ready June Bug moment!!!
Some where in the scenerio of living in town,....in a real fixer upper reno.....my children decided to be my hero's.
We scrubbed layers of dirt off floors, tubs, toilets and cupboards. And still the smear of dirt and the must of disuse remained in this long since abandoned abode. When the inside got boring, the bored ventured out of doors.....Gabriel to this day remains the neptune king of ice smashing!!! Tridon in hand!!!!
The Obvious Question Next Arose......MOM....WHERE IS YOUR OFFICE???????? Those of you who know me well,....know very well I would NOT have chosen a house with both "AN OFFICE" for the business woman in me......AND......."A STUDIO" for that creative woman that intrudes upon my stress filled life of business and forces me to become a child within my own children's stories!!!!
Lacking in furniture as we leave behind our newest belongings to our beautiful GTOC women soon to be habitants of Rose Hall....in sleeping bags and blow up mattress provided by my ever inspirational mother...we cuddle before the fireplace.....
Together as the night dims over the city and the river, we Monster Lockyer's cuddle in close, the last of the embers burns and spatters it's warmths to us. I envy the mothers and fathers who comfortably tuck in their babes, knowing tomorrow will produce comforts and securities for their families.....yet as I feel the everlasting belief my children have in me, through their actions, their words and their essence,....I wonder....would I ever entertain the thought of changing one uncomfortable, non secured moment in our very challenged, difficult lives that brought us here together?
and as the tears of joy filled my faith filled heart I witnessed the five dancing twinkling lights over the city before me, and I knew, my babies, MY MONSTERS would know when and where was the right time to step forward in their lives too.
Without second guessing their intent.
Without second guessing their beliefs.
Because, it'll be "old hat" by then......they live it now!!!!..... V
February 29th, 2012
"a before clean up pic....overlooking the Moira River" imaging the warm summer evenings under the twinkly sky here...!!
....Happy Leap Year GTOC!!! Today the forms were signed....tomorrow Little Theresa house is OURS!!!
Against all undeterminable obstacles!!! Determination shall always triumph if it is focused in a positive direction!!
Now the real work begins!!! The clean up!!! We are looking at several dump trips, have purchased the burn permit for a Bonfire in Rose Hall ... there is no outdoor burning in town is there?.....Isn't that what the police said when raiding one of our NCC alumni parties?? Sheila....help me here!!!
So very much cleanup! Mom.....bring your pail and rubber gloves friday.....I'll bring the bottle of wine!!!
Anyone feeling energetic!! Join in!! The goal is one year OR LESS to complete renovations on Little Theresa's House!!
Look for your invites via FB and other digital resources. Mark your Calendars! March 10th! Open house!! Noon to 5pm!! Cocktail Party 5pm to.......? Bring on the reno ideas!!! You won't be asked to clean, you will be asked to brainstorm creative reno concepts!! Be a part of creating Little Theresa's House!!!
Thank you EVERYONE for sending out ALL the good vibes that this could be done!!! You believed and it is happening!! THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING!
WHAT A RUSH!!....I think that saying was from Jim Carrey's the Mask!!! Love it!!!
This IS THE GTOC Year!!!!! xoxoxo V
February 8th, 2012
The first designer run of GTOC's home office in Belleville. So much to
be said for a room with sunshine, beauty, organization and communicative
February 6th, 2012
Such excitement!!! This my dear friends is where I will have my new home office!!...I am so very excited to make this announcement!! As of today we have officially begun an astounding GTOC adventure!! While the plan for Rose Hall is Step One: to invite women to join, review and regenerate, The Little Theresa Project is Step Two: The Education House....where you want to be, in beautiful East Hill, walking distance to every avenue that will aid you in success of your education Goal!!
This my dearest of friends, takes time. While stunning in some aspects, The Little Theresa Project is definitely a "fixer upper". In this blog page, we are going to follow the GTOC risk, investment and mission in the Little Theresa Project.
The Pre-Reno cocktail party grand opening, where we brainstorm renovation & design concepts to create a designer home so befitting of our Aspiring Women will have a date soon to mark on your calenders!! Email me to ensure you receive an invite! It is all our ideas that make GTOC Aspire beyond our potentials!!
So far GTOC fans, I am footing the bill on the renos of Rose Hall and now for the purchase and Reno's of The Little Theresa Project. We have made our stand....our GTOC women are Aspiring,....not a Charity!....we'll be investigating some creative funding/financing for this one!!
Generously shared in GTOC's FB page ......."though no one can go back and create a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending"....
It is my privilege to stand before you who have generously given me so much inner strength and I say "woooooooooooooohooooooooooo" this is gon'na be a ride of magnaminous proportions!!!....V
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